The rank 1 of koi hunt is a mage "LUXMEA" which has over 10k koi kills so. Also a good lk tempers will help u a lot. Using elect gear, alt maiden staff, elect headdress, cb pet, esutate glasses, CBS, koi ring (when u get it) and kronos ring (after your koi ring). i only know u're gonna need a build with good charm and power cuz of skunk punch/the charm skill that reduces the enemy md and lucky breaker to help u not to miss/being blocked and even block koi's attack. 1k - 2k ma with 1k% attr (elect/water) should be more than enought to take half of koi's life or even turn his life bar red. About Ma i can't tell u cuz i never tried it with magic types, but. U don't need all this md/dp, 15/10-11k is already more than enough since most of the time both boxes will be freezed with the skunk punch of your guardian. Thanks so much for taking time into reading this, it's very appreciated! Should I focus on element based equips to deal more damage rather than MA, just by a bit?.Beating Ed, is that how people farm Akuaregia of Nate? (Sorry for misspelling).How much MA/LK/DP/MD needed for Ed to be taken down?.Are the bosses there all immune to damage over time spells like Phoenix Rising/Tesla Field? (Phoenix Rising misses all the time).Should I switch to Electric/Water? (I still like Electric/Fire though) .Should I throw away hopes of Magic Types being strong as Power Types for Tartarus? (Off topic, but hey a guy can ask right? ).Any certain Equips I should get aside from my buying "hax" items list on the forum?.What kind of Guardian would be best to help with this?.Are Magic Types Capable of beating these Titans? (I mostly see Power Types dominating the field on my experience).Aside from like 25000+ MD/DP, How much MA/LK should I have going against Koiosu & True Kronos?.I have a few questions to ask and hope they can be answered, I'd appreciate it! I am a level 317 Wizard with Light/Fire/Electric skills.

Hello, as you see in the title, I need some guidance if possible.